Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Packed, Wrapped, and Delivered!!

It was a beautiful Christmas Eve as we loaded up the bus with presents and people to deliver the shoe boxes that were donated. What an amazing experience!! We made children smile and made some moms cry- - -all with JOY!! What a blessing it was to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to give these gifts to needy families. We had a group of kids with us helping and it was neat to talk with them that night about what we had done and why we had done it. We explained to them how we wanted to do what Jesus would have done if he had physically been here. So since he was not physically here, we had the privilege to be his hands and feet. Some of these kids were from our group who are themselves needy in some ways. They were so excited to be able to give these gifts to other families. It blessed us to hear some them saying "God Bless You and Merry Christmas!" to the families who were receiving.

We were able to deliver a total of 112 shoe boxes!! Praise God!! Thank you to all who participated and thank you Grace Community Church for arranging this within our church!
Jerrell with the Shoe Boxes in the Background
Brookhaven Delivery

We couldn't fit all the gifts and people on the bus, so Jude followed behind in his truck

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