Who Are We

Vision Onward's name has meaning for us and the people we impact now and in the future.  

For us, it means  moving beyond apathy to caring.  We are moving beyond talk to action, affecting God's Kingdom, and passing on a legacy that glorifies God; by His grace.

For the lives we hope to impact it means sharing a vision of hope and a purpose of life that is faith based.  We share a vision that is beyond self centered interests and establishes a legacy for generations to come.

 The Mission:
Vision Onward strives to bring hope to the hopeless by sharing the love of Christ through both word and works, listening and responding to human needs and collaborating with the wider community to improve quality of life and build mutual respect among people of diverse racial, ethnic and social groups. 

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.  Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."  Psalms 82:3-4